

Thanks for reading.

Well I’m here to tell you this is the final episode of superchARJ.

I’ve ended every superchARJ email (I think) with ‘thanks for reading’ because I’ve absolutely loved writing every single one of these emails and hardly anyone unsubscribed ever which I’ll take as a win. Lots of you bought me multiple coffees when I had that link up, and lots of you also replied to many of my newsletters and said nice things which always absolutely made my day.

Writing superchARJ emails was something I needed during a time when I didn’t really know what I needed. So even by subscribing you helped me through a time by giving me an outlet of sorts.

So genuinely, thanks for reading. The superchARJ website will stay online as a kind of ‘museum’ of stuff I’ve said in the past. All my old Positive Creatives podcasts are also on there.

I don’t like to delete stuff, sometimes it’s nice to look back.

But I’m not going far, I’ve now launched FedWed and I’d love you to come over there and join what we’re doing. It’s for wedding photographers and wedding filmmakers and I think it’s going to be a great thing for individuals and the industry as a whole.

That’s the plan anyway.

We are starting with absolutely free events in Liverpool, London, Bristol, Birmingham, Edinburgh and Dublin. Totally free. And with free camera cleaning mini-services too if you come along. Not that I’m trying to bribe you. It’ll be good even if you don’t get your cameras cleaned. But a clean camera is a happy camera, so they say.

No, nobody has ever said that.

I expect I’ll still write newsletters and blog posts over at FedWed with a similar vibe to what I’ve done here so if you do think you’ll miss my words on a screen, please do come over and take a look. I did want to carry on with superchARJ but my head just can’t be in two places at once.

And I’m not going to auto-subscribe you to any FedWed email lists, because… well… that’s illegal I think. Not like breaking and entering illegal, but probably similar to like if you scan a banana on a self checkout but you put a bar of dairy milk that weighs exactly the same in the bagging area. Naughty.

Anyway, I’ve taken up enough of your time. So it’s time to say, for one final time…

Thanks for reading.
