This was well received last time I did it in issue 31 and as I don’t have much valuable to say this week, I thought I’d roll out another load of old award entries for you, and critique them myself!
These are all from Fearless Collection 14 way back in early 2013…
You know what, I loved this photo and still do. I mean I can see why it didn’t win because it’s pretty basic, but the story (that you would never know from the photo) is that this bride was so nervous about getting married that getting out of the car at the church was the moment she was dreading the most because she just didn’t know if she would be able to do it. So this was a truly momentous moment that day. And the fact her ring is such an obvious detail of the photo, I loved that too. This one didn’t win.
I was deep into a 24mm phase at this time. And I was experimenting a lot with actually getting guests to interact with me and the camera because I’d seen another photographer doing it at a wedding. I ended up hating that approach but I loved this photo because it’s such a real happy face. I can see why it’s not Fearless. This one didn’t win.
It’s not a real moment, it’s a portrait, but even now I’d be proud if this won. It didn’t win.
This was the first photo I ever took which I felt was amazing. It was in Kenya and we’d planned for a sunset photo session among these incredible trees, but the hair and makeup ran so late that it was fully pitch black by the time the couple were ready. I didn’t know what to do so I stuck a flash behind them and did a few different very basic poses. I actually think it’s a great technique for this scene but not a great photo because the couple are just standing there and I think some sort of movement might have meant this getting an award. Which it didn’t.
Before this couple’s wedding I was hating all my work. I felt like all I was doing was trying to emulate previous Fearless and ISPWP winning photos, and failing. At their wedding I decided to trust my instincts fully and shoot whatever felt good. This was the narrowest sliver of sunlight and I was proud of it. But it wasn’t good enough to win I see that and, correct, it didn’t win. Also you’ll see soon why my instincts were still kind of all over the place…
Listen, I’ll be honest with you I think this should’ve got an award. I entered it about 2 million times and it never did.
I basically thought everything I’d shot in Kenya was amazing. This is a good moment badly captured and I’m glad it didn’t win because I always think the photography should win, not the moment. Didn’t win.
That’s a proper kiss, and I was pleased with the composition. I reckon a strong black and white edit would’ve been better on this but I guess I must have liked the beetlejuice colour scheme at the time or something. These guys were such an amazing couple and I think I entered it because I loved them so much, even though it’s basically just a kiss shot. The hand round the neck from her and the fact he’s making sure he doesn’t spill his beer just tells such a real story I think. Didn’t win.
Ah more Kenya. I’m actually surprised the entire set of entries wasn’t Kenya. I think this could’ve won if I had shot it more boldly, got really stuck into the moment. Too much of what’s happening on the right side of the frame is irrelevant, and it draws my eye away from what I think is so great about the photo – the closed eyes and the grip of that hand on the head. It’s proper deep love of a grandmother for her granddaughter. Too much for words. I’m glad I gave this to the bride Sonal, but… didn’t win.
At the time Fearless were giving out trillions of awards for photos of people crying. That’s why I entered it. This groom is Tom, a videographer who ended up being one of my best mates but (sorry Tom) I can see why a photo shot from 10 miles away on a 70-200 didn’t win anything. Cos it didn’t.
You know what I’m glad this didn’t win. I like it and I think it’s a lovely portrait, albeit lacking any sort of moment or genuine connection. But I was second shooting and this photo was lit and posed by Chris Mee, and I think I was a bit of a fraud for even entering it, so – gladly – it didn’t win.
Right stop laughing. This is the ‘instinct’ wedding again. Clearly my artistic radar needed some work. I said stop laughing, this kind of stuff was all the rage back then… ok no it wasn’t, what was I thinking? Didn’t win.
Finishing with, you guessed it… Kenya again! This was one of my faves from that whole wedding but it’s a pretty basic moment really isn’t it, I can see why (yep) it didn’t win.
One of the reasons I don’t enter awards any more is that I struggle with the psychology… if I enter an image then I must think it’s worthy of an award and if it then didn’t win (in case you missed the theme, none of these did) then I assumed I was totally wrong about what was a good photo, and worse it made me kind of discard some of my favourite photos as losers.
I still struggle with that psychology to this day. But remember, it’s only ever the opinion of a tiny handful of judges who are having to sit there and sift through many thousands of photos.
Don’t be bitter about losing, and don’t question the winners. Just move quietly on, say ‘ho hum’ and keep entering stuff you believe in. If you really believe in it, eventually it’ll resonate with a set of judges and you’ll get the badge you crave.
Thanks for reading.
PS – I’m doing a workshop on October 15th: